Launching Spatial Analysis Site


Who we are

Led by Luc Anselin, we’re a group of students, staff, and faculty at the University of Chicago who use spatial methods in our research and teaching. As spatial thinkers, we’re excited to launch this site to teach introductory spatial analysis.

Over the next few months, we plan to build out teaching materials based off of Luc Anselin’s spatial data courses at the University of Chicago. Our goal is to demonstrate how you can get started with exploratory spatial data analysis, including spatial dependence and spatial modeling.

Next steps

In the short term, we’re working on completing an R-based version of Luc’s lab notes for his Introduction to Spatial Data Science class at UChicago, mirroring the GeoDa curriculum. These lab notes focus on spatial analysis with the open-source programming language R and can be found under Tutorials.

Additionally, we plan to collect links to useful spatial analysis resources, demos, and tutorials. Alongside these tutorials, we’ll share materials from our weekly R spatial workshops on this blog.

Contribute your ideas!

We’re looking to curate use cases for spatial analysis, so if you’re doing interesting research or developing open-source spatial software, let us know and we can feature you on this blog.

Let us know what tutorials would helpful to you by submitting an issue in our Github repository, or emailing us at spatial [at]

Submit an issue via Github to request tutorials and blog posts