Datasets about the Broad St Pump and South London Natural Experiment cases in London (Snow, 1855). Use list2env(snow, .GlobalEnv)
to unlist in working environment. The data consist of a list of six objects:
snow2 A shapefile object of class sf Dataframe with spatial points of buildings where cholera deaths were recorded near the Broad Street pump.
snow3 A shapefile object of class sf Dataframe with polygons of housing blocks, in the forms of polygons, which aggregate cholera deaths in the vicinity of the Broad Street pump.
snow4 A shapefile object of class sf Dataframe with spatial points that represent the Broad Street pump and the five pumps closest to it.
snow5 A shapefile object of class sf Dataframe with rings of individual cholera deaths and the Broad Street pump, extracted from snow4.
snow6 A shapefile object of class sf Dataframe with rings of individual cholera deaths and the five pumps except for the Broad Street pump, extracted from the 6 pumps dataset (from snow4).
snow7 A shapefile object of class sf Dataframe with polygons that correspond to the South London Natural Experiment attribute data compiled by Coleman (2019).
snow2 includes 250 rows, 8 variables, and a geometry column:
Unique ID
X coordinates (in meters)
Y coordinates (in meters)
Number of deaths per building
ID of the nearest pump (see ‘pumps’ dataset)
Distance to the nearest pump (in meters - see ‘pumps’ dataset)
Distance to Broad St pump (in meters - see ‘pumps’ dataset)
Create categories depending on whether the Broad Street pump is closest (1) or not (0)
snow3 includes 40 rows, 3 variables, and a geometry column:
Unique ID
Number of deaths per polygon
Number of deaths per polygon divided by population
snow4 includes 6 rows, 4 variables, and a geometry column:
Pump ID
X coordinates (in meters)
Y coordinates (in meters)
Name of the pump
snow5 includes 60 rows, 4 variables, and a geometry column:
Unique ID
Area (in squared meters)
Number of deaths per building
Number of deaths per ring divided by area
snow6 includes 35 rows, 6 variables, and a geometry column:
Pump ID
X coordinates (in meters)
Y coordinates (in meters)
Distance to pump (in meters)
Number of deaths per ring
snow7 includes 32 rows, 32 variables, and a geometry column:
London district ID
London district
London subdistrict ID
London subdistrict
Population for 1851
Water company suppliers that served the subdistrict
Water company supplier ID
Proportion of the population that was served by the Southwark & Vauxhall company
Proportion of the population that was served by the Lambeth company
Proportion of the population that was served by a company other than Southwark & Vauxhall or Lambeth
Creates categories for the proportion of the population that was served by the Lambeth company
Number of deaths attributed to the cholera epidemic in the seven weeks ending August 26, 1854
Number of deaths attributed to the cholera epidemic in the seven weeks ending August 26, 1854 for the Southwark & Vauxhall company
Number of deaths attributed to the cholera epidemic in the seven weeks ending August 26, 1854 for the Lambeth company
Number of deaths attributed to the cholera epidemic in the seven weeks ending August 26, 1854 originating in pump-wells
Number of deaths attributed to the cholera epidemic in the seven weeks ending August 26, 1854 from water from the Thames River and ditches
Southwark & Vauxhall cholera death rate per 10000 people in the seven weeks ending August 26, 1854
Lambeth cholera death rate per 10000 people in the seven weeks ending August 26, 1854 - Missing values are undefined and should not be converted to 0
Cholera death rate per 10000 people for ‘other’ category in the seven weeks ending August 26, 1854 - Missing values are undefined and should not be converted to 0
Number of deaths attributed to the cholera epidemic in 1849
Number of deaths attributed to the cholera epidemic in 1854
Cholera death rate per 10000 people in 1849
Cholera death rate per 10000 people in 1854
Population for 1849
Population for 1854
Average supplier-region-specific cholera mortality rate per 10000 people in 1849
Average supplier-region-specific cholera mortality rate per 10000 people in 1854
Snow’s cholera death count prediction (from his 1856 Table VI)
Cholera death count prediction from Difference-in-Difference regression analysis for 1849
Cholera death count prediction from Difference-in-Difference regression analysis for 1854
A detailed description of the datasets and their construction can be found at: The GeoData center also has available snow1, which contains 578 individual deaths during the 1854 cholera epidemic that were compiled by Tobler (1994). snow1 was excluded from this package given that it can be reproduced from R package HistData, version 0.8-6.
List of six Sf objects, projected to OSGB 1936 / British National Grid.