Ohio lung cancer data for 1968, 1978 and 1988.
An sf data frame with 88 rows, 42 variables, and a geometry column:
County FIPS code
Area of polygon
Perimeter of polygon
Unique ID
County ID
County name
Lung cancer cases for gender G (male: M or female: F) and race R (white:W or black:B) in year yy (1968, 1978, 1988)
Population at risk for gender G (male: M or female: F) and race R (W or B) in year yy (1968, 1978, 1988)
Total lung cancer cases for gender G (male: M or female: F) and each year (1968, 1978, 1988)
Total population at risk by gender G (male: M or female: F) and year yy (1968, 1978, 1988)
Sf object, units in m. EPSG 32617: WGS 84 / UTM Zone 17N.
if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) { library(sf) data(ohio_lung) plot(ohio_lung["POPM88"]) }