Block-level New York City information about education and demographic characteristics (2000). Geographic units: 2010 Census blocks.
An sf data frame with 2,216 rows, 56 variables, and a geometry column:
Unique ID
Percentage of population age 16-19 that has dropped out of high school
Percentage of the population that is non-white
Percentage of population age over25 that dropped out of high school
Percentage of population over age 25 that obtained at least a bachelor’s degree
Percentage of Asian population
Percentage of black population
Percentage of white population
Census tract label
Borough code
Borough name
Census tract coding
Neighborhood tabulation area code
Neighborhood tabulation area name
Public use microarea code
Length of polygon border
Area of polygon
Number of nonprofits
Mean income
Population age 16-19
High school dropouts, age 16-19
Population enrolled in high school, age 16-19
Percentage of all students Population enrolled in private school
Percentage of all students Population enrolled in public school
Population over 3-year-old
Population over 3-year-old, not Population enrolled in school
Population over 3-year-old, Population enrolled in school
Population enrolled in public school
Population enrolled in public pre-k
Population enrolled in public k-8
Population enrolled in public high school
Population enrolled in public college
Population enrolled in private school
Population enrolled in private pre-k
Population enrolled in private k-8
Population enrolled in private high school
Population enrolled in private college
Population over 25 years
Population over 25 years with less than high school degree
Population over 25 years with high school degree
Population over 25 years with some college
Population over 25 years with bachelor’s degree
Population over 25 years with master’s degree
Population over 25 years with professional degree
Population over 25 years with phd
Total white population
Total black population
Total Asian population
Total population under 18 years old
Gender parity, 1=parity, higher = more males, lower = more females
Male population
Female population
Number of schools
Population density (people per square mile)
Population count
Source for school locations: Open Data New York ( Demographics source: 2000 Census.
Sf object, Projection 2203. NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS)
if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) { library(sf) data(nyceducation) plot(nyceducation["phd"]) }