Sudden Infant Death Syndrome sample data for North Carolina counties, two time periods (1974-78 and 1979-84). Same as SIDS data set, except that the computed rates are included.
An sf data frame with 100 rows, 17 variables, and a geometry column:
County area (computed by ArcView)
County perimeter (computed by ArcView)
County internal ID
County name
County fips code, as character (state code and county code)
County fips code, numeric, used in GeoDa User’s Guide and tutorials
County ID used by Cressie (1993)
Live births, 1974-78
SIDS deaths, 1974-78
Non-white births, 1974-78
Live births, 1979-84
SIDS deaths, 1979-84
Non-white births, 1979-84
SIDS death rate per 1,000 (1974-78)
SIDS death rate per 1,000 (1979-84)
Non-white birth rate (non-white per 1000 births), 1974-78
Non-white birth rate (non-white per 1000 births), 1979-84
Cressie, N. (1993). Statistics for Spatial Data. New York, Wiley, pp. 386-389. Rates computed.
Sf object, unprojected. EPSG 4326: WGS84.