Incidents of robberies, drugs/narcotics possession or sale, vehicle theft, and vandalism for July 1 to December 31, 2012. Use list2env(SFcrime, .GlobalEnv)
to unlist in working environment. The data consist of a list of four objects:
cartheft A spatial points object of class sf Dataframe with 3,384 observations, 13 variables, and a geometry column.
drugs A spatial points object of class sf Dataframe with 3,897 observations, 13 variables, and a geometry column.
robbery A spatial points object of class sf Dataframe with 2,761 observations, 13 variables, and a geometry column.
vandalism A spatial points object of class sf Dataframe with 3,430 observations, 13 variables, and a geometry column.
Each object contains the following variables:
Unique identifier for each incident report
Projected X-coordinates
Projected Y-coordinates
Crime classification, e.g. vehicle theft, etc
Description of the crime
Day of the week that crime was reported
Date of the report
Time of report
Police district
Outcome of the report, e.g. None, Arrest, Unfounded, etc
Street address where the crime occurred
X-Coordinates of crime location
Y-Coordinates of crime location
2010 Census (population) and “Crime Incidents from 1 Jan 2003”, City of San Francisco Open Data Portal (crimes) (
List of four Sf objects, projected to EPSG 2227: NAD83 / California zone 3 (ftUS).
if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) { library(sf) data(SFcrime) plot(SFcrime[["cartheft"]][9]) }